The Expenses view is used to report your incurred costs as an itemized list. 费用开支视图用来为你所引起的花费项目列出一个报告清单的。
An itemized list or statement of fees or charges. 帐单详细列明费用或卡开销的单据或报表。
Also, a detailed, itemized list, report, or record of products in a company's possession, produced from a survey of all goods and materials in stock. 也是公司拥有产品的细目表、报告、产品记录,这是通过对公司的货物库存和原料的调查而产生的。
In addition, Surrogate understands and agrees that she must submit itemized payment due list, along with necessary documentation per contract as follows. 此外,代孕妈妈理解并同意,她必须逐项提交如下到期清单以及根据合约所需的文挡。
A detailed, itemized list, report, or record of things in one's possession, especially a periodic survey of all goods and materials in stock. 财产目录个人财产中物品的详细的、逐条登录的目录、报告或记录,特指对所存的全部货物和材料所做的阶段性的统计。
The itemized price list of the Contract Plant in Appendix 7. 本合同项目的详细价格清单详见本合同附件七。
Could you show me an itemized list of the charges on this bill? 你能让我看看这个账单的详细列表吗?
Mechanisms to Deal with the Imbalance between Supply and Demand of Public Goods in Fujian Rural Areas; making an itemized list of merchandise or supplies on hand. 福建农村公共物品供求失衡应对机制给手头上的货物或供应品列一份详细的清单。
Supplier shall submit a detailed itemized priced list of recommended spare parts for start up, and commissioning. 供应商应递交详细的试车和开车建议备件分项定价清单。
INVENTORY: An itemized list of capital; or given amounts of product. 库存:一个逐条列举的资产列表;或者特定数量的产品。